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Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday Live Tailgater Show & H.S. Hoops!

Thumb Tailgater Sports Show is on live tonight at 7pm. Special guest tonight will be WLEW Cruise 102.1fm Sports play by play dude - Rick Glaza. He will give us his insight on this years winter sports season. We encourage you to call and leave a message on our sportsline #, 810-476-4680. Or email us with any questions or comments. Go to the Thumb Tailgater Sports website to get to the live link. Or click here to our streaming host site.

Thumb Tailgater Sports will be covering two boys basketball games this week. Sandsuky vs Vassar on Tuesday, and Lakers vs Ubly this Thursday. Coverage starts at 7pm for both games.
There is also plenty of thumb area high school basketball action to!

Monday Night Games

Bay City All Saints 23 @ Carrollton 67
North Huron 72,  vs  Caseville 35
Owen-Gage 31 vs Port Hope 55
Memphis 67,  vs Peck 32
Dryden 27 vs Kingston 56
Bad Axe 40 @ Mayville 51

*Thanks to Huron Daily Tribune,, Huron County Press, Tuscola County Sports Blog, Port Huron Times Herald, Thumb Area A.D.'s & Coaches.


A.J. Van Deere said...

I'm having a hard time taking this thing seriously. Sports dude Rick Glaza? Come on Eddie. I'm sure you want to have fun with this, but I'm having a hard time believing this is going to be a serious venture you are undertaking.

Also, some of your comments towards your blog visitors are a bit unprofessional.

Eddie Fury said...

What comments are those?

Adam Filkins said...

I said the same thing about Chris Berman and ESPN... "Way down town, BANG!" - what the heck is that? I don't think that those guys are gonna be around very long.

If it can't be fun, then it is not worth doing - and sure isn't very entertaining. It's only sports, great as they are, it's only sports.

A.J. Van Deere said...

These comments:

what are you talking about jerky? we were covering Lakers.


Eddie Fury said...
I um srry anonymous. trais citee iz locatedd at the buttom of thuh lake wear atlantis is at

It just comes off a little sarcastic and the comments don't really paint you or your venture here to be all that serious.

Eddie Fury said...

We are sorry that we like to have fun, and you apparently do not like what we have been covering and keeping you up to date of thumb area sports, and our live internet webcasts we have been doing since late August and will continue to do so. There have been far worse things said on Mlive forums, and other blogs. If you have ever listened to other radio programs things said are way far, far worse. We thank for stopping by our blog and will miss your support.

Christian Selich said...

Carrollton 67 BCAS 23 - All Saints held scoreless in the 1st quarter

Anonymous said...

Kingston 56
Dryden 27

Eddie Fury said...

You guys are awesome! Thanks for the scores!