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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Blizzard Blasts Thumb Area Games

Well at about 11:30pm Tuesday night the snow started falling...and then fell more and more. The storm dropped a couple inches of good snowman making powder. But by about 2:45-3:00am this early Wednesday morning (yes I was still up trolling the internet) the power went out in my neck of the woods and most of Deckerville. I fell asleep by 4:30am, and when I was waken up by my three loud and joyful kids after learning school was canceled at 7:00am, power was restored at my home and the west side of town.
Thus, apparently also out is the Thumb Tailgater Sports game of the night in Ubly. It was to pit the Greater Thumb East vs Greater Thumb West - Ubly vs Reese. From what I have read and talked to other sportswriters aficionados, the Reese Lady Rockets are the "real deal". School was closed due to the snow storm that hit. So the girls basketball game is also canceled.
So now the door is open for Thumb Tailgater Sports to debut our new live weekly show tonight! The show will also be archived to listen to later. We suggest getting a "skype" account so you text us live or email us with any comments or questions. We will give you the info on the skype text link on the show live tonight.
The live show starts at 8:30pm tonight at our new streaming host site. 

Thumb Tailgater Sports Streaming Host Site Link

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