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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wednesday Night Hoopla!

Thumb Tailgater Sports presents a live internet audio webcast of high school boys basketball - North Huron vs Ubly. It pits the North Central Thumb League versus the Greater Thumb Conference! Coverage starts at 7pm.

Wednesday Night Games:
North Huron 49, vs Ubly 47 - Thumb Tailgater Sports - Webcast
Deckerville 53, @ Carsonville-Port Sanilac 50
St.Clair 55, Richmond 49 - 2 OT

Harry C. Moore Holiday Tournament @ Capac High
Marlette 52,  Brown City 38 - Consolation
Capac 46, vs  North Branch 48- Championship Game

St.Clair County Holiday Classic Tournament
Yale 36,  vs  Allen Park Cabrini 46 - Championship Game

Bad Axe High School - Edward Jones Holiday Tournament
North Huron 51, vs Caro 28 - Consolation Game
Bad Axe 31,  vs  Gladwin 51 - Championship Game

Harry C. Moore Holiday Tournament @ North Branch High
North Branch vs Capac
Brown City 49, vs Marlette 27 - Championship

St.Clair County Holiday Classic Tournament
Yale 60, vs Macomb Lutheran North 51

Sandusky 54, vs  Richmond 26

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WELL EDDIE now u got to see why all of ubly wants lieprant to go games on the line u need to put experience out there not family. tyler kubacki never even seen the last 12 minutes on the floor all because he went for the dunk and missed its no different if a [;ayer misses a layup. lieprandt needs to go